
Learn About 11 Best Career Podcasts for Your Commute

Consider the average commuter spends $2,600 commuting to work every year, which is approximately $10.00 a day. Most drive an average of 45 minutes or more to get to work, which over the course of a year equates to 200 hours (or five business weeks).


That is a lot of additional time waiting for productive use. If you have never listened to a podcast in your life, reconsider. Not only do they make the drive to work interesting, but they offer you a painless way to add in some personal development, improve a skill for the workplace or even learn a new skill to your career toolkit.

With literally thousands of podcasts to choose from, selecting one worth the investment of your time can be daunting. Luckily, there are some emerging and popular podcasts with tremendous followings, and for good reason. People who listen to the following podcasts find them relevant, motivational and applicable to their careers, regardless of their field of interest or industry. These podcasts are offered by entrepreneurs, industry thought leaders and experts to offer top tips and get-head advice.

Masters of Scale

This 30 minute podcast offers interviews with top ranked CEOs who have scaled their businesses from nothing to massive. Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn is the host, and brings a balanced ratio of men to women entrepreneurs and thought leaders who are making great inroads in their industries.

The Look and Sound of Leadership

If you learn better in small bites, then this podcast is for you. Each episode lasts about 15 minutes and is hosted by Tom Henschel, who is a well-known communications expert. This podcast focuses on the psychological aspects of dealing with others, regardless of your field. Some past topics have included how to identify false thinking patterns holding you back, how to adopt new behaviors that bring success faster and how to nurture and grow those whom you manage.

Hays Worldwide

Lasting 15 minutes, this podcast focuses on one specific work-related topic employees most wonder about. Topics such as how to ask for a raise, deal with an obnoxious co-worker or how to ace an interview are covered. Recruitment experts are interviewed and discuss the topic of the day.

The Accidental Creative

While the name may be deceptive, this podcast is not just for professional creatives. In fact, this podcast encourages workers in any field to learn how to think and act creatively. Innovative ideas are discussed for increasing performance and moving productivity into its next phase. Topics include discussions about how to communicate effectively so others connect with your ideas, how to manage time, and how to stand out in a meeting without being “that guy”. This podcast is one of the most popular because it challenges listeners to take what is discussed and apply it during the week.

How to be Awesome at Your Job

For a longer commute opt for this podcast, which tops out at around 50 minutes. The show’s host is Pete Mockaitis who interviews a wide variety of successful business owners, managers and CEOs of both larger corporations and small successful businesses. The podcast is also geared toward employees who want to get ahead and further their careers. What is nice about this particular podcast is once you arrive home, there are links to additional resources so you can continue to take the session further.

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod

This podcast is also another long one, lasting up to 50 minutes. Focusing on productivity, personal development and success, this podcast’s format is different from many of the others in that it is told through a series of anecdotes from guests to the show. The host, Hal Elrod, is an inspirational speaker and so the podcast definitely has that thread running through it. However, each podcast offers concrete, actionable strategies useful for all employees, managers and leaders.

Good Life Project

This 50 minute podcast focuses on tips, advice and strategies for creating and maintaining the work-life balance. Noted guests are asked how they achieve this balance and what advice they would give to listeners. This podcast comes out twice a week, but you can access or download archived episodes to listen to when convenient for you.

HBR IdeaCast

This is an official 30 minute podcast offered by Harvard Business Review. Each week various guests considered to be thought leaders are invited onto the show to offer their unique insight into a variety of topics, most notably leadership. Past topics have included how leaders can use social media to great effect, how to boost productivity, and how to create brands with heart. Past guests have included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Walter Isaacson former CNN CEO and Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post.

Tribe of Mentors

Considered one of the top business podcasts, Tim Ferriss’s 30 minute show interviews major leaders across a wide range of industries. Each is informative as well as motivational and is offered in a format allowing the reader to imagine he or she is sitting across the table from the guest receiving critical advice from a trusted mentor. There is a longer version if your commute hits gridlock. The longer podcast runs 150 minutes.

Talent Jockey

Host Sean Kelley offers this podcast for those commuters who have lost their job, or are looking for a different job. Interview advice, learning how to do your own personal branding, how to use certain strategies to move from a temp job to a permanent on are all on offer. Lasting approximately 45 minutes this podcast offers sage advice, tips and critical news for those involved in job seeking.

Online Marketing Made Easy

This podcast is aimed at small business owners who want to learn how to monetize their online presence. Lasting about 30 minutes host, Amy Porterfield, discusses topics such as how to create Facebook ads or use AdWords correctly, as well as how to create video marketing or blogging for business exposure.

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